Architect Laura Paraschiv is also the owner of Circa 1703-3701 in Bucharest, where she collects unique antiques. The name of the store is a kind of promise and guarantee that the objects found here, made even in 1703, will pull through until 3701, the distant future.
Circa 1703-3701 is not just an ordinary antique shop: it is here that Laura’s passion for architecture, special objects and questions about their future combine.

Laura is also involved in special requests and interior design projects, such as the MÀ Bistro. The special place is in Bucharest: wherever we look, we can discover unique pieces such as the bar counter, which in its previous life functioned as a wardrobe, or the lighting system, which was born of several lamps and different components with the help of Laura’s creativity.

With the tools of mix&match and eclectic furnishings, MÀ Bistro has become a cozy and lovable place to visit if you are in Bucharest.
Photos: Cătălin Georgescu, Ioana Pârvan
Circa 1703-3701 | Facebook | Instagram
MÀ Bistro | Facebook | Instagram
Source: Zeppelin

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