MaternityPins was designed for proud moms and dads-to-be who would like to share the good news with their environment. The clean design focuses on labels and communicating this state. The pin collection of designer Zsófi Szabó and POPpins.
For moms and dads-to-be, the state of pregnancy is a special period full of excitement. Every pregnancy is different; there are problem-free cases and there are the ones when the first trimester, or even all the 9 months are accompanied by waves of sickness. Fatigue is something shared by most pregnant women, even by the ones who have previously led an active life. Maternity is a changed physical-mental state that brings new situations and challenges to both the mothers and their environment.
This condition has opened completely new dimensions for Zsófi Szabó, too, the relationship between motherhood and creation is very much on her mind. She considers it important to keep creating, to preserve her identity as a creator and to connect with her environment and the world during her pregnancy and subsequent motherhood – with this cool pin collection being one of the results.
Udvardi Ramóna, the founder of POPpins found Zsófi’s idea fascinating, so she was truly happy about the collaboration, as she is also intrigued by female roles and the issue of embracing our femininity, the first manifestation of which was last year’s Lady Boss pin.

Before designing the pieces of the MaternityPins collection, Zsófi asked mothers and fathers-to-be about the changes they experienced during the pregnancy in themselves and in their environments. It turned out that once the bump is actually visible, people have a totally different approach towards them: they become friendlier, more considerate and helpful. The phenomenon of the “pregnancy brain” stood out among the experiences related to their own physical and mental changes: being absent-minded and forgetful, and the subjects of the survey also higlighted the unpleasant effects different odors can have on the already existing nausea that moms-to-be experience. Many of them also have trouble coordinating their jobs and work commitments with the changed daily routines.
The special collection was made based on, and by taking into account the answers received in the survey.
Zsófi Szabó X POPpins
The “Mom to be” and „Dad to be” pins can be purchased in pairs, while the „MaternityMood” pin can be purchased on its own at the online store of POPpins..

The combination of classic and vivid colors makes the pins eye-catching and low-key at the same time. The simple egg-shaped form is an ancient symbol of creation, fertility and life.

Based on the survey, they opted for manufacturing English language pins, but they will also create pins with Hungarian signs in the future if there is a demand.
You can purchase your own MaternityPins HERE!
Zsófi Szabó – designer
Zsófi has been building her own business as a designer for 10 years. She specializes in branding and art direction. She took part and continues to participate in the visual development of brands including Margaret Island, Hosszúlépés.Járunk?, Nora Sarman, Róbert Károly Private Clinic or Artlocator magazine. Her own brand is the colorful and illustrated Kis Hungarikumhatározók (Little Hungaropedia piles) book series, which made the notions of hungarikums humorous and accessible for Hungarians and tourists. In her work, she loves the connections between different fields and continuously learning new stories and getting to know new personalities.
Zsófi Szabó | Web | Facebook | Instagram
Ramóna Udvardi founded the POPpins brand in 2015 with the aim of introducing “new wave” pins in Hungary. She makes the jackets, clothes and bags of young people special with her limited series and custom-designed pins, thus providing a new way of self-expression to them. In addition to her own collections, Ramóna is happy to collaborate with Hungarian artists and organizations: she has already created pins with the Hungarian National Gallery, Punnany Massif, Róbert Farkas and Tímea Terenyei. Besides POPpins, Rami currently works as an illustrator at an American online newspaper publisher.

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