Care packages that can be assembled easily by anyone, downloadable from a website. The Social Design Research Group of the Innovation Center at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest (MOME) prepared a digital platform under the name MOME CARE PACKS IN TIMES OF ISOLATION allowing us to compile care packages containing basic equipment and information for various life situations for those living in our environment or those in need. The care package that has been designed first is the Baby Pack. Let’s see the details.
Isolation at home comes with severe challenges in certain life situations. The MOME CARE PACKS contain useful information providing guidance for the physical implementation of equipment needed for various life situations. In the spirit of social solidarity, by delivering packs that can be assembled with minimum effort, anyone can help those living around them as well as people that are in need of support and help. As it was also highlighted by researchers Bori Fehér and Janka Csernák:
“The essence of the project is that we help so that others can help.”

The first care pack “BABY PACK FOR TIMES OF ISOLATION” focuses on infant care, built on the example of the Bódva Pack developed by MOME EcoLab as well as the Finnish baby box. According to the researchers participating in the project, “perhaps there is an even greater need for supporting pregnant women and families amidst these unstable times. In the current situation, even the arrival of newborns to home is hindered by obstacles. The BABY PACK FOR TIMES OF ISOLATION is a package containing the basic equipment and information needed for the arrival of infants, and it facilitates the first three months postpartum.” The packs and the user manuals contained in them are compiled with the help of experts; a part of the objects is relatively easy to procure, can be assembled from materials found at home and can be effectively sanitized.
“The idea behind the downloadable manuals and patterns is the social initiative we saw all across the world, how people started to sew masks, even those who never did anything of the like before, or how volunteers with 3D printers started to print face shields. With these packages, we would like to help these active people and aid organizations who would like to support their fellow man” – explained Bori and Janka.
If there are families or people in need in your environment whom you would like to help, visit the website of MOME CARE PACK, where you can easily download the descriptions of the content and assembly of the packs as well as the manuals needed for preparation at home. The next Pack will be published on the platform soon, focusing on the 65+ generation.
Project manager: Bori Fehér
Researchers, designers: Janka Csernák, Rita Szerencsés, Márton Gosztonyi
Graphic design: Gábor Réthi, Panna Petró
Video, photos: Dániel Huszár
Mome Center of Innovation

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