Escaping the traditional spaces of galleries, the works of the photography graduates of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design will flood the public spaces of Budapest on citylights.
The street exhibition implemented as a collaboration between JCDecaux and the graduates of MOME showcases the works of eleven talented photographers to the urban audience. The sensitive and story-telling pictures will await us from August 4 until August 14 in the bus and tram stops of the capital.

The selected works of art respond to the uncertain circumstances of the past period and the social, scientific and environmental changes coming with them from eleven different and unique perspectives, while they also allow us to gain an insight into the diverse ways of self-expression offered by photography.

The exhibition will be opened on August 5 by photographer Gábor Arion Kudász. Those interested will meet at Bem József tér, from where the organizers will guide the participants to the locations of the artworks in the framework of an urban walk. You can learn more about the exhibition opening at URBANLIGHTS’ Facebook event.

If you want more, you can check out the entire photo series and their descriptions at the website of URBANLIGHTS.
Exhibiting artists: Lola Eördögh, Barna Gajda, Adrienn Horváth, Dorottya Kepes, Noel Lászlók, Izabella Nagy, Zsófia Nemeskéri-Tóth, Doro Novák, Szilárd Orbán, András Turi, Domonkos Varga

The freeing power of creation | Manohuis

“Jungle fruit from the floodplain” in a majestic packaging | Panyolium