
daniel labrosse

More than just a taste experience: Ferryman’s Coffee

More than just a taste experience: Ferryman’s Coffee

A ferryman rowing in a cup, a fish bathing in a mug, or a scalded rooster in a modern style with a retro touch. Here is Ferryman’s new-wave coffee, made even more distinctive by the visual world of Péter Molnár’s identity design and the illustrations of Dániel Labrosse.
Ferryman’s kávé: nem csak ízélmény

Ferryman’s kávé: nem csak ízélmény

Csészében evező révész, bögrében fürdőző hal vagy leforrázott kakas modern, mégis retró hangulatban. Íme a Ferryman’s újhullámos kávé, aminek vizuális világát Molnár Péter arculatterve és Labrosse Dániel illusztrációi teszik még karakteresebbé. Molnár Péter eredetileg rajztanárként kezdte pályafutását, és nagyjából tizenöt éve merült el a tervezőgrafika világában. Ez idő alatt
Keep the Night Alive | Jägermeister

Keep the Night Alive | Jägermeister

Where have those carefree, fun nights gone? The endless evenings spent in the city from Thursday till Sunday? Everyone is all cooped up at home after 8 o’clock and if they are lucky, they have someone to wind down with and to have a drink at the end of
Contemporary artworks on iconic Levi’s® Trucker jackets

Contemporary artworks on iconic Levi’s® Trucker jackets

The Levi’s® Trucker denim jacket has been serving as a canvas for the artists of the world since its launch in 1967, from Venice Beach in Los Angeles to Brazilian favelas. From November, the iconic jackets will also give room to the creativity of six contemporary Hungarian artists in
Get a piece of Labrosse’s special Budapest

Get a piece of Labrosse’s special Budapest

Dancing flowers, guys having breakfast on a snake’s back, a snail taking a coffee and cigarette break, a red-hooded tagger, an octopus watering plants: only some of the extraordinary Labrosse characters that have been taking over iconic buildings in Budapest each week from the summer of 2019. Even though