The strict forms of modernism are paired with rounded, organic contours in this California house, home to a young couple.
Modernist style is the alpha and omega for many, but others – they’re probably outnumbered – believe that it’s too rigid or even lifeless. A California couple used the very same words to describe their old home when they commissioned the San Francisco-based architecture firm OPA to remodel their house. They wanted something much more vibrant, more harmonious and flexible – the sensation of floating in the air.

The OPA architects associated this base concept with a sky full of clouds. The house, originally built in 1995, was therefore adorned with cloudlike, weightlessly floating installations, which completely overwrote the modernist atmosphere.

The additions made of white aluminum sheets, dense foam rubber, concrete and laminated wood – referred to as sculptures by the designers themselves – were first sketched on paper, then digitalized and robotically manufactured.

After the structural transformation of the house, the idea of the installations was intuitively born in the mind of the designing architect, Luke Ogrydziak. The cool thing about the project is that the final result ended up being dreamlike without being surreal. Owners can float about while keeping both feet on the ground.

Source: Wallpaper

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