The first phase of the design LAB incubation program of the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency aimed at strategic development of manufacturing has ended: the Evaluation Committee has selected the designer-manufacturer duos that will receive funding from the program. The seven applicants considered best by the Committee can use the non-refundable support for finalizing and manufacturing the products suitable for series production.
The Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency launched its design LAB incubation program in the spring of 2020, aimed at promoting collaborations between manufacturers and designers. The conclusion of collaborations was facilitated by the Speed Dating online networking event, allowing industry actors without a manufacturer or a designer to make new acquaintances.

A total of 43 designer-manufacturer duos applied to the call from areas like the furniture-making, household ceramics, electric lamps, concrete, plaster and cement products as well as textile manufacturing. Based on the decision of the Evaluation Committee comprising experts of the sector, seven manufacturer-designer duos could receive funding for implementing new furniture, lamps and other furniture industry products. The winning duos are the following: Árkossy Bútor and Máté Horváth, Micro-Licht Világítástechnikai Stúdió Kft. and Miklós Leits, Rotte Kft. and Sára Kele, Balaton Bútor Kft. and Dániel Lakos, Tilia 2002 Bt. and István Ulmann, Varkoly Fiai Bútoripai Kft. and Máté Horváth, Úri Lux Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft, as well as the duo of Attila Kertész and Bence Simonfalvi.

The teams have six months to manufacture the products presented in the project designs; at the end of the program, the completed design objects will also be showcased to the audience in the framework of an exhibition.
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Source: Press release

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