

Kincsvadászat a legmenőbb lemezboltokban | TOP 5

Kincsvadászat a legmenőbb lemezboltokban | TOP 5

Nosztalgikus hangulat, órákig tartó böngészés, izgalmas borítók, új műfajok és sosem hallott előadók. Megtalálod az igazit, kiveszed a tokból, ráteszed a lejátszóra, leengeded a tűt, serceg a bakelit és elindul a zene – tökéletes a hangzás. A hanglemezek igazi reneszánszukat élik, így mai válogatásunkban a legjobb helyeket mutatjuk be, ahol valódi
Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Nostalgic atmosphere, hours of searching, exciting covers, new genres and never-heard-before performers. You find the right one, take it out of the case, put it on the player, lower the needle, the vinyl squeaks and the music starts—the sound is perfect. Vinyls are experiencing their true renaissance, so in
Light meditation turntable from the king of ambient

Light meditation turntable from the king of ambient

Musician/composer Brian Eno’s sound compositions are known worldwide, but now he has been trying himself in a new role. In collaboration with London’s Paul Stolper Gallery, he has created a limited collection of LED-illuminated turntables. The color, light and sound meditation tool moves on the line between
DIALOG | Levente Trellay

DIALOG | Levente Trellay

The founder of Budapest Bagel and Telep considers himself a renaissance man and if a title should be attached to his name, he feels that ”man of solutions” is the most appropriate. Even when traveling, Levente Trellay only uses his GPS device as rarely as possible, and he doesn’t
A bag full of melodies

A bag full of melodies

The Crosley Messenger bag hides a record player, combining contemporary and retro styling. The unique case contains a wireless record player with three speed settings, so you can listen to your favourite vinyl records wherever you are. The linen-covered bag can be carried using a simple strap, but it also
Kincsvadászat a legmenőbb lemezboltokban | TOP 5

Kincsvadászat a legmenőbb lemezboltokban | TOP 5

Nosztalgikus hangulat, órákig tartó böngészés, izgalmas borítók, új műfajok és sosem hallott előadók. Megtalálod az igazit, kiveszed a tokból, ráteszed a lejátszóra, leengeded a tűt, serceg a bakelit és elindul a zene – tökéletes a hangzás. A hanglemezek igazi reneszánszukat élik, így mai válogatásunkban a legjobb helyeket mutatjuk be, ahol valódi
Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Nostalgic atmosphere, hours of searching, exciting covers, new genres and never-heard-before performers. You find the right one, take it out of the case, put it on the player, lower the needle, the vinyl squeaks and the music starts—the sound is perfect. Vinyls are experiencing their true renaissance, so in
HIGHLIGHTS | Nem is bakelit a bakelit

HIGHLIGHTS | Nem is bakelit a bakelit

Az utóbbi években ismét egyre nagyobb érdeklődés mutatkozik a zeneipar talán legesztétikusabb hordozói, a hanglemezek iránt. Ezt az igényt csak felerősítette járvány, mely sokakat új hobbi, például a hagyományos lemezlovasság irányába indított el. Ezen a héten különleges külsejű lemezeket és borítókat válogattunk össze, és felfedjük az igazságot a hanglemezek helyes
HIGHLIGHTS | Vinyl selection

HIGHLIGHTS | Vinyl selection

In recent years, there has again been a growing interest in perhaps the most aesthetic media in the music industry, records. This need was only increased by the pandemic that launched many in the direction of a new hobby, such as traditional disc jockeying. This week, we’ve put together
Songs tied together by visuality | Album covers by Kata Moravszki

Songs tied together by visuality | Album covers by Kata Moravszki

How can completely different musicians such as the Foo Fighters and Miles Davis be brought together through graphic design? That was the question the international open call entitled Secret7 was seeking answers to. Hungarian designer Kata Moravszki gave an ingenious answer. Vinyl fans—at least the ones I know—are
Cool vinyl sleeve with the environment in mind | Théque Atelier

Cool vinyl sleeve with the environment in mind | Théque Atelier

Hungarian Théque Records and Atelier no longer focuses only on supplying music fans with the best albums of the Eastern European electronic music scene: recently, they have developed a visually exciting, special vinyl sleeve with a reduced environmental impact. Let’s see the details! The activity of Théque evolves around
Vagány viniltok, környezettudatosan | Théque Atelier

Vagány viniltok, környezettudatosan | Théque Atelier

A magyar Théque Records és Atelier immár nem csak arra figyel, hogy a kelet-európai elektronikus zene legjobb képviselőinek lemezeivel lássa el a zenerajongókat – nemrégiben különleges, vizuálisan is izgalmas lemeztokot fejlesztettek, amely a környezetet is kevésbé terheli. Mutatjuk! Zene, építészet és kommunikáció hármas egységére épül a Théque tevékenysége. A magyar lemezkiadót
Bang & Olufsen’s beautiful classic is back

Bang & Olufsen’s beautiful classic is back

Bang & Olufsen is now selling record players for the first time since the nineties, and on top, they renovated a model launched in 1972. Danish company Bang & Olufsen was founded in 1925, and their name has been synonymous with high-end speakers since then. From the 1960s onward, each and every
Turntable and furniture in one

Turntable and furniture in one

Minimalism and elegance in a truly high-tech object: this is the record player designed by Moiless, not only filling the space with music, but also decorating our homes with its extraordinary design. Written by: Márk Szolomayer With the recent renaissance of vinyls, we get to enjoy records once again in
HIGHLIGHTS | Music for the eyes

HIGHLIGHTS | Music for the eyes

“Surrounded by the digital, we now crave experiences that are more tactile and human-centric. We want to interact with goods and services with all our senses, and many of us are willing to pay a premium to do so, even if it is more cumbersome and costly than its digital