The chapel of Derékegyház is the building of the year in Hungary

The chapel of Derékegyház is the building of the year in Hungary

A modern church and a cellar row in Palkonya triumphed at the Hungarian Media Architecture Awards in Budapest.

The Media Architecture Award, founded by Építészfórum (“Architects’ Forum”, a consortium of media outlets publishing architectural content—the Transl.), has an 18-year tradition in Hungary. This year, a total of 76 buildings, 59 designs and 29 built environment works were entered, with a family house, a university building, a church, an event hall and an office building competing for the Best Building of the Year Award, and four theses and one design competition entry competing for the award.

Holy Trinity Chapel, Derekegyház – design: Váncza Művek Architect Studio – photo: Balázs Danyi

This year, the jury of Hungarian press representatives and architectural experts gave the Best Building Award to Váncza Művek Architect Studio for the Holy Trinity Chapel in Derekegyház. The chapel from the Árpád dynasty was razed to the ground during the Tatar invasion of 1241, giving the settlement an independent place of worship again after 777 years.

Revitalization of the cellar row in Palkonya – design: László Rátgéber, BME

The jury gave the Best Design Award to László Rátgéber for his plan to revitalize the cellar row in Palkonya. The prize for the design with the most votes from the public went to Archi.doc Architects, Narmer Architectural Studio, Fejérdy + Bartók Studio, and CAN Architects for their work submitted to the invitational design competition for the Pázmány Péter Catholic University’s new campus. For the fourth year running, the organizers have awarded the Audience Prize in the Built Environment category, with the best work this year being the Égigérő Óvoda by GINKGO Architects and MICROarchitects.