

Map of modern architecture in Vienna published

Map of modern architecture in Vienna published

Blue Crow Media’s latest urban guide, the Modern Vienna Map presents the city’s 20th-century modern architecture. Featuring remarkable examples of modern architecture in Vienna, this bilingual guide includes  details of 50 buildings, an introduction, and photography by Gili Merin. Featured on the map are functionalist works by Adolf
Romania and Bulgaria are trying to convince the skeptics of their Schengen accession

Romania and Bulgaria are trying to convince the skeptics of their Schengen accession

The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area is still blocked. When can they succeed? Only Croatia joined the Schengen Area on 1 January, as Austria and the Netherlands blocked the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. Still, the two countries continue working hard to become members of the
An outlet for sustainability?—25 years of Designer Outlet Parndorf

An outlet for sustainability?—25 years of Designer Outlet Parndorf

Designer Outlet Parndorf opened its gates twenty-five years ago—the outlet, which is now hugely popular in the region, attracts a host of tourists and visitors every year, offering everything from the coolest luxury brands to affordable fast fashion collections—all for a fraction of the original price. But the
Are we willing to pay for security and freedom?

Are we willing to pay for security and freedom?

Discussion on Ukraine’s NATO membership, sacrifices, and freedom, and the failure to meet NATO’s 2008 momentum. An international roundtable with a wide range of thoughts. Participants of the discussion: Heinz Gärtner, Professor for Political Science, University of Vienna, International Institute for Peace; Neli Kirilova, Researcher, European Security and
A change of perspective: Vienna’s Leopold Museum warns of climate change with tilted images

A change of perspective: Vienna’s Leopold Museum warns of climate change with tilted images

A museum in Vienna has used classic paintings to raise awareness of how much the treasures we take for granted could change because of global warming. “It’s going to get a few degrees warmer in winter, so what?”, say many people about global warming. The Leopold Museum in Vienna
Nature resorts in the region | TOP 5

Nature resorts in the region | TOP 5

Amidst the hustle and bustle of our hectic weekdays, the constant noise, and the burn-out, people rarely have time to slow the pace and get away from the daily treadmill, finding refuge in nature. Luckily, there are many destinations for those who want to get back to nature and its
Krampus, the Christmas devil—or is it?

Krampus, the Christmas devil—or is it?

Almost everyone is familiar with the figure of the Krampus, but perhaps less so with who he was in the original folktales. Many people refer to him as the anti-Santa, or the demon opposing Father Christmas, the arch-enemy of the red-clad, big-bearded, potbellied gentleman. But in fact, Krampus in the
The 5 eeriest places in Central and Eastern Europe

The 5 eeriest places in Central and Eastern Europe

It’s the spookiest time of the year: even regions that don’t traditionally celebrate Halloween are all about scares. To mark the occasion, we’ve rounded up the eeriest buildings and places in the area. Or should we say most haunted? Who knows... 1.     Pidhirtsi Castle, Ukraine The building,
viennacontemporary opens with exhibitors from Central and Eastern Europe

viennacontemporary opens with exhibitors from Central and Eastern Europe

Today marks the start of viennacontemporary, one of the most prestigious contemporary art fairs of the Central and Eastern European region, where nearly seventy galleries will be featuring their artists. Every year, viennacontemporary is one of the most important events for Hungarian galleries. This is because while Central and Eastern
Scenic lakes in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Scenic lakes in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

In the first suffocating heatwave of the summer, all we can think of is a refreshing dip in the water surrounded by nature. Luckily for us, our country and our neighbors are also rich in beautiful lakes, perfect for a carefree swim. And if you’re looking for an active
If the 100-year-old condominiums could talk | TOP 5

If the 100-year-old condominiums could talk | TOP 5

There is something quite mysterious about condominiums built in the last centuries—not only because of their appearance, but also because of their historical past. They have endured the dangers of wars with dignity, while they can witness a lot of personal stories. We have now made a selection of
From a stable to a minimalist space | The story of a creative duo’s kitchen

From a stable to a minimalist space | The story of a creative duo’s kitchen

FRØPT has already attracted our attention: the Polish online brand offers, among other things, furniture fronts and individual products, while also participating in extraordinary collaborations. The founders of the brand, Magda Milejska and Kasia Kurowska-Loedl, can now see their unique furniture fronts in the minimalist kitchen of a couple working
Workshop homes from Moscow to Berlin

Workshop homes from Moscow to Berlin

It’s always exciting to peep into an artist’s home, especially if the work itself also takes place within the walls. Our article takes you to Moscow, Berlin and a small Austrian town. A contemporary artist’s studio | Moscow The white-cube gallery-style studio was designed by the Russian architecture
Scenic lakes in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Scenic lakes in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

In the first suffocating heatwave of the summer, all we can think of is a refreshing dip in the water surrounded by nature. Luckily for us, our country and our neighbors are also rich in beautiful lakes, perfect for a carefree swim. And if you’re looking for an active
Csodás lovardák Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Csodás lovardák Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

A lovaglás sokak számára nem csak egy egyszerű hobbi, hiszen az állatok szeretete és tisztelete, valamint a jó állóképesség és az edzett fizikum is olyan tényezők, melyek nélkül szinte lehetetlen gyakorolni ezt a különleges sportot. Ha azonban szeretnénk megtapasztalni a lóháton ügetés szépségét, érdemes ellátogatnunk egy-egy oktatásra is specializálódott lovardába,
Wonderful horseback riding clubs in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Wonderful horseback riding clubs in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Horseback riding is not just a hobby for many, as the love and respect of animals, as well as good stamina and hardened physique are factors without which it is almost impossible to practice this special sport. However, if you want to experience the beauty of trotting on horseback, it
Exceptional tastes with fabulous surroundings—the best street food places in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Exceptional tastes with fabulous surroundings—the best street food places in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

The dilemma is familiar to everyone when we want to have a delicious lunch or dinner with our family, friends, or perhaps a larger company, but we can’t find a solution when choosing the right restaurant, because everyone wants different kinds of food. However, it is not worth getting
Relaxing on the rocking waves of the river—event boats in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Relaxing on the rocking waves of the river—event boats in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Sparkling sunshine, cooling breeze, and rocking waves: this idyllic setting is perfect for sipping a cocktail or enjoying your favorite dishes if you decide to try something new and venture out on the water instead of the usual downtown setting. Of course, we do all this figuratively, as the most
Kikapcsolódás a folyó ringató hullámain – rendezvényhajók Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Kikapcsolódás a folyó ringató hullámain – rendezvényhajók Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Szikrázó napsütés, hűsítő szellő és a víz ringató hullámai: ilyen idilli környezetben ihatunk meg egy koktélt vagy fogyaszthatjuk el kedvenc fogásainkat, ha úgy döntünk, hogy a megszokott belvárosi környezet helyett kipróbálunk valami újat, és vízre szállunk. Persze mindezt csak képletesen tesszük, hiszen a régió legnépszerűbb rendezvényhajói Kelet-Közép-Európa nagyvárosainak kikötőiben állva
The most stylish cosmetics of the region | TOP 5

The most stylish cosmetics of the region | TOP 5

Conscious skincare starts with choosing the best lotions for you. But it’s easy to get lost in the sea of cosmetics, so it pays off to look for the most effective ingredients on the boxes of different serums and facials. Fortunately, more and more brands are finding that minimalist
A régió legstílusosabb kozmetikumai | TOP 5

A régió legstílusosabb kozmetikumai | TOP 5

A tudatos bőrápolás a számunkra legmegfelelőbb krémek kiválasztásánál kezdődik. A kozmetikumok tengerében azonban könnyű elveszni, ezért érdemes minél hatékonyabb összetevők után kutatni a különböző szérumok és arcpakolások dobozain. Szerencsére egyre több márka gondolja úgy, hogy egy minimalista csomagolás sokkal jobban mutat a fürdőszobánk polcán, a letisztult arculattal rendelkező tégelyek jól
This might be the solution to food waste | Interview with  Barbara Gollackner, creator of Wastewear

This might be the solution to food waste | Interview with Barbara Gollackner, creator of Wastewear

In Barbara Gollackner’s life, designing objects is an ever-present motive—she spent most of her childhood in her family’s cabinet-making shop, studied in the fields of textiles, products, and furniture design and founded the Studio Barbara Gollackner in Salzburg, in 2018. She has created many practical objects, all
Cartoon-like cabins built in an Austrian forest

Cartoon-like cabins built in an Austrian forest

Studio Precht has created four uniquely shaped forest cabins for guests and staff at an Austrian restaurant. The houses are the first four iterations of Bert, a modular structure developed in collaboration with tiny house startup BaumBau to design a building with minimal floor space. Each structure is composed of
These stylish holiday homes will immediately get you in the mood for a hike! | TOP 5

These stylish holiday homes will immediately get you in the mood for a hike! | TOP 5

Although sometimes the warm spring rays peek out from behind the gray clouds, unfortunately, for the really good weather, it looks like we will have to wait a while. Nevertheless, on our days off, it is worth going out and taking small and large walks, after all, what could break
Stílusos hétvégi házak, melyek rögtön meghozzák a kedvünket a kiránduláshoz! | TOP 5

Stílusos hétvégi házak, melyek rögtön meghozzák a kedvünket a kiránduláshoz! | TOP 5

Bár néha kikandikálnak a melengető tavaszi napsugarak a szürke felhők mögül, sajnos az igazán jó időre még úgy tűnik, hogy egy darabig várnunk kell. Ennek ellenére szabadnapjainkon érdemes kimozdulnunk otthonról és kisebb-nagyobb sétákat tennünk, hiszen mi is tudna jobban kiszakítani a hétköznapok rohanásából, mint egy erdei kirándulás a friss levegőn?
Even experts are dazzled by these special gourmet shops in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Even experts are dazzled by these special gourmet shops in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Although our food shopping habits are truly different and may vary from person to person, the majority agree that the overwhelming crowds of the shops—which we can expect most in the late afternoon and early evening—the queues at the registers and the long minutes of waiting are all
Az ínyenceket is elkápráztatják ezek a különleges gourmet boltok Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Az ínyenceket is elkápráztatják ezek a különleges gourmet boltok Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Bár az élelmiszervásárlási szokásaink igazán változatosak és egyénenként eltérőek lehetnek, abban azonban a többség egyetért, hogy az üzleteket elöntő tömeg – melyre leginkább a késő délutáni, valamint a kora esti órákban számíthatunk –, a kasszáknál kígyózó sorok és a hosszú percekig tartó várakozás mind olyan tényezők, melyek kellemetlenné és kimerítővé teszik ezt
Gorgeous yet divisive—modern chapels in the region | TOP 5

Gorgeous yet divisive—modern chapels in the region | TOP 5

The contemporary sacred architecture raises a number of questions, but minimalist churches and chapels appear one after the other. But perhaps we can all agree that there is something quite refreshing about the rethought sacral buildings—now we have brought you the most modern regional chapels. Chapel Mary Magdalene | Zollfeld,
Remarkable public installations in the region | TOP 5

Remarkable public installations in the region | TOP 5

Public installations often appear unexpectedly, and because of their peculiar nature, they are able to fascinate us completely. At the same time, they can be a part of a larger concept or a reminder of history. Kulturlandschaft Paasdorf | Mistelbach, Austria The main square of the small “street village” called Paasdorf
Is nanotourism the future?—Unconventional solutions enrich one of Austria's most important lakes

Is nanotourism the future?—Unconventional solutions enrich one of Austria's most important lakes

What is nanotourism? This concept is a site-specific alternative, focused specifically on the benefits of the area, which goes beyond the conventional principles of tourism: it is an attitude aimed at improving the everyday environment and opening up new opportunities for the local economy. You could also call it alternative
Breathtaking school buildings in the region | TOP 5

Breathtaking school buildings in the region | TOP 5

Functionality is undoubtedly the most important factor in the case of an educational building. Of course, this does not mean that the boringly familiar places in every educational institution, such as the canteen, the classroom or even the corridors, cannot get an exciting look. Professional design offices create schools that
City within a city—exceptional housing estates in the region | TOP 5

City within a city—exceptional housing estates in the region | TOP 5

Perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that there are two kinds of people in the city: who are truly enchanted by the atmosphere of the hundred-year-old condominiums, and who are more than impressed by the milieu of the residential parks. In our selection, we now present modern, characteristic building
If the 100-year-old condominiums could talk | TOP 5

If the 100-year-old condominiums could talk | TOP 5

There is something quite mysterious about condominiums built in the last centuries—not only because of their appearance, but also because of their historical past. They have endured the dangers of wars with dignity, while they can witness a lot of personal stories. We have now made a selection of
Endless alternatives—outstanding vegan cafés in the region | TOP 5

Endless alternatives—outstanding vegan cafés in the region | TOP 5

Many people imagine vegan cafés with limited options, when the opposite is true: countless options, cakes and dishes made with special ingredients, creativity, dedication and, last but not least, love and respect for animals. Although the philosophy is gaining popularity, it is still a challenge to open a vegan café—
In the peaceful world of snow-covered hotels | TOP 5

In the peaceful world of snow-covered hotels | TOP 5

There is something quite calming about the snowy views. The buildings merge with the brilliantly clear, bright snow-covered landscapes and a completely different world unfolds before us. We want to bring you this panorama now, from the perspective of outstandingly spectacular, snow-covered hotels. Zallinger | Italy The Zallinger Refuge is located
Hidden universes—dazzling caves of the region | TOP 5

Hidden universes—dazzling caves of the region | TOP 5

Caves hide natural wonders that we could not even imagine. Maybe we wouldn’t believe it if we didn’t see it with our own eyes. That is why we are now bringing to the surface the stunning world of the universes in the solid crust of the earth! Here
The colors of health—regional restaurants and cafés with superfood on the menu | TOP 5

The colors of health—regional restaurants and cafés with superfood on the menu | TOP 5

The name superfood includes nutrient-rich plant-based foods—and certain fish and dairy products. However, there is no precise definition of what falls into this category, in fact, many say it is just a marketing ploy. But one thing is for sure: superfoods are healthy, so we need them. Exotic-sounding quinoa,
Workshop homes from Moscow to Berlin

Workshop homes from Moscow to Berlin

It’s always exciting to peep into an artist’s home, especially if the work itself also takes place within the walls. Our article takes you to Moscow, Berlin and a small Austrian town. A contemporary artist’s studio | Moscow The white-cube gallery-style studio was designed by the Russian architecture
Award-winning confectionary brands in the region | TOP 5

Award-winning confectionary brands in the region | TOP 5

As the largest and most reliable food and drink accreditation system, Great Taste awarded the best applicants again this year. A panel of more than 500 experts evaluated 14,113 products from 108 countries—across various categories and awards. In this selection, we present regional confectionery brands whose certain products
URBA architectural studio opens a new showroom in Vienna

URBA architectural studio opens a new showroom in Vienna

With a distinctive aesthetic, URBA has been associated with the interior design of many well-known places in Budapest. This weekend, we witnessed a significant milestone for the Hungarian studio, as they opened a multifunctional office in Vienna that perfectly reflects their vision. Intimate minimalism, a beautiful selection of objects and
Eastern European accessory and bag overview | TOP 5

Eastern European accessory and bag overview | TOP 5

Each bag has its own story. Without over-mystifying this fashion item, we can rightly claim it to be more than a simple accessory. It can be huge or even tiny, aesthetic, practical or even all this at once. One thing is for sure: it is an essential piece that can
The best jazz clubs | TOP 5

The best jazz clubs | TOP 5

We previously wrote about some of the most beautiful classical music concert halls in Eastern Europe, and in our selection today, jazz will be the main role: we brought you five clubs where you can meet excellent jazz musicians in world-class quality. Opus Jazz Club | Budapest, Hungary Opened as part
Handmade chocolates | TOP 5

Handmade chocolates | TOP 5

In our selection today, we will guide you into the exciting world of chocolates. All five brands are characterized by a craftsmanship process and an eternal spirit of experimentation to create the most perfect sweets possible. Lyra Chocolate | Slovakia For starters, we recommend the Lyra Chocolate manufactory in Slovakia. In
The cleanest mineral waters in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

The cleanest mineral waters in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

One of the essential components of life is water: since it is an integral part of us, it does matter what quality we quench our thirst with. In our selection today, we have chosen five water brands that will deliver the eternal elixir to our tables from crystal clear and
HIGHLIGHTS | The power of an exhibition

HIGHLIGHTS | The power of an exhibition

Static and boring at the same time, or hectic and subversive at the same time? The existence of exhibitions is almost incomprehensible, as they satisfy a human desire that appears differently in everyone. Our basic need is to admire, cultivate and receive knowledge, and an exhibition provides an excellent opportunity
Modern churches | TOP 5

Modern churches | TOP 5

How can churches be kept relevant in a technology and information-centric world? Perhaps the answer to this question was sought by the architects who created the top buildings in our selection today. We will guide you to five modern shrines in Eastern Europe where the noise of the outside world
The most beautiful concert halls in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

The most beautiful concert halls in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Even though the pandemic has also reshaped music listening habits, we believe it’s hard to find a better music experience than a live concert, especially if we can perceive it in a place where it’s all about the perfect sound experience. In our latest selection, we have brought
HIGHLIGHTS | Divine juices

HIGHLIGHTS | Divine juices

Graphic design has been focusing on bottle labels, including wine bottle labels, for a long time, therefore this segment had enough time to get the hang of market demands from traditional ones to the most extreme. In our current project selection, we have selected wine labels that are special and
First Sony car wheeled out on public roads

First Sony car wheeled out on public roads

Sony has recently started testing its hyper-modern concept car, which was spotted on Austrian highways several times over the past weeks. 12 months ago, the brand unveiled a concept for their own electric car. At the time, all there was to know about S-Vision’s concept was that the car
HIGHLIGHTS | Back to Home

HIGHLIGHTS | Back to Home

To be able to work efficiently, we primarily need a calm and balanced environment, an indispensable element of which is a good workstation. Providing the environment to office workers has been the task of companies and employers for long years. However, those returning after a long pause are not simply
HIGHLIGHTS | City of designers

HIGHLIGHTS | City of designers

What is the city? It would be hard to define with a single word, or even with a single sentence. “Buzz”, “noise”, “crowd”, “community” – many expressions cross our minds, especially if it is a metropolis that we are thinking about. It’s a play between all kinds of things and
As little design as possible | Clemens Strobl winery

As little design as possible | Clemens Strobl winery

Situated in northeast Austria, Clemens Strobl winery’s layout puts the art and craft of winemaking into the focus, while its interior is dominated by the use of minimalist, raw and natural materials and colors. The subdued and sophisticated design was created by Austrian studio Destilat. The Clemens Strobl family
Alpine hut with a thatched roof

Alpine hut with a thatched roof

As part of a new research project, the University of Stuttgart built a thatched alpine shelter in the Austrian Alps also holding its ground amidst extreme weather conditions, with a minimum carbon footprint. Named SkinOver Reed, the house was developed by the team of the university’s Institute for Building
Harmony between work base and home

Harmony between work base and home

Close to nature, eco-friendly home and work base at once: the home of designer couple Volkmar and Catharina Weiss fulfils the role of a shelter offering peace and quiet and a workplace at the same time. The house called Thurnberg is located in Austria, in the woodlands of Waldviertel region.
HIGHLIGHTS | Drink, drink, drink!

HIGHLIGHTS | Drink, drink, drink!

We can quench our thirst in many ways, and by doing so we cannot only pamper our taste buds, but other sense organs, as well. Whatever product it may be, the appealing, sleek, nice-to-feel, bold or elegant packaging contributes greatly to the given items ending up in our basket. The
Miniature statues in a postmodern form | tetri.objects

Miniature statues in a postmodern form | tetri.objects

A collection of statuesque, decorative objects, drawing on Postmodern architecture: meet the creations of Austrian-born Selina Kanner, aka tetri.objects! Selina Kanner studied business in Paris and Berlin, but later decided to pursue her aspirations in architecture and interior design. She started to experiment with her objects two years ago,
HIGHLIGHTS | Music for the eyes

HIGHLIGHTS | Music for the eyes

“Surrounded by the digital, we now crave experiences that are more tactile and human-centric. We want to interact with goods and services with all our senses, and many of us are willing to pay a premium to do so, even if it is more cumbersome and costly than its digital
HIGHLIGHTS | Typography

HIGHLIGHTS | Typography

In the era of Gutenberg, the father of printing, type foundries and punchcutting workshops designed and manufactured the basic accessories of typesetting, the matrices and cutting punches. Due to the increased demands of the 19th century press, this rudimentary method was replaced by the Linotype and Monotype typesetting machines and