

Grab your own Újpalotai Apartment Tower!

Grab your own Újpalotai Apartment Tower!

From today on, the selection of our online store is enriched with a truly extraordinary risoprint: this time, we collaborated with architect-graphic designer Boróka Felső, who designed the poster depicting the Újpalotai Apartment Tower for us. The print is now available in HYPEANDHYPER’s online store in limited quantities! In
„Making people see the values of the built environment”| The graphics of Boróka Felső

„Making people see the values of the built environment”| The graphics of Boróka Felső

Boróka Felső started her studies at the department of architecture in Pécs, and completed her diploma project in Colombia—her pink risoprints featuring buildings of Budapest caught our attention on Instagram. The prints of special atmosphere not only mirror Boróka’s eternal passion for architecture, but are also intended to
Following the traces burnt into stone | 100 Sparks

Following the traces burnt into stone | 100 Sparks

What happened in the tropical jungle of Ipolytarnóc 17 million years ago? Our planet, before mankind. The shadow of a bear-dog behind the white sandstone cliffs, while the giant palm leaves are flapped by the cool evening wind rising at sunset. The soft breath of a saber-toothed tiger can be